The Department of Management Studies of IST offers 3 Under graduate courses like Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) and Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospital Management) in 2005 & 2 Post Graduate courses like Master in Computer Application (MCA), Master in Hospital Administration (MHA) in the year 2012 & 2018 respectively. MCA course are approved by the AICTE, New Delhi and all courses are affiliated to MAKAUT (Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology) formerly known as WBUT and recognized by AICTE.
The Cell organizes certain orientation programmes, grooming sessions, mock interview sessions for students of each stream. Besides, the Cell organizes various summer internship programmes for students to provide them with hands on experience and introducing them to the professional environment.
The Cell continuously co-ordinates with various industries and organizations for placement of students. It has already successfully placed a high percentage of students in industry. It actively obtains feedback from organizations and conveys it to respective departments which, in turn, train students accordingly, thereby increasing their hit ratio.
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